There is no description. Sorry. Now go away.
Benefits for straight married couples make no more sense than benefits for homosexual couples do. Because deciding to cohabitate with a person of the opposite sex, procreate, all that -- well, it's a lifestyle choice. Those people who argue that being straight is pure biology, like being black or white, need to wake up and smell the pheromones.

Nobody makes you act on your urges, whatever they are -- heterosexual or homosexual. And yet straight people seem to think they deserve some sort of compensation for giving into their urges while denying people with differing urges the same compensation. Deny them all, I say. Let everybody fend for themselves, and let the chips fall where they may.

Given all the people who think that that homosexuality is purely a personal choice, I must conclude that giving into any physical urge must be an anomaly. Therefore, a life of pure abstinence is the only natural choice for the human who wants to live his/her life to the fullest. Don't have sex with the same sex if you want to. Don't have sex with the opposite if you want to. Don't eat. Hell, don't even breathe. Those are all physical urges. You must deny them.

Where do we draw the line? It might be easier and more beneficial to a free society to give people the freedom to make their own choices. And if we don't support compensation for some of those choices (the dirty sex ones) then why support them for all the dirty sex ones? After all, there's only a couple of inches between sticking a penis into a vagina and sticking it into an asshole. And we've ripped the country apart over those couple of inches.

Don't give the homos any rights based on their sexuality. This is fine with me. But stop giving heteros rights, too. To hell with all you weak specimens who can't control your physical urges.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 07, 2005
There's a purpose in heterosexual sex beyond 'sticking it in' as you so crassly describe. Society is benefitted by stable homes cranking out healthy taxpayers. That's why there have always been benefits offered, all the way back to the Roman empire, to people who provide stable families.

In terms of homosexual sex you are right though. Just 'sticking it in' so since it has no value to society, and it shouldn't be promoted or rewarded. Frankly, I think it is patently obvious that many homosexuals can't tell the difference between building a family and screwing.

Kind of sad that you see these benefits rewards for sex, instead of what they reall are. Does nothing to overcome the stereotype that being gay is just about sex.
on Jun 07, 2005
And we've ripped the country apart over those couple of inches.

T'ain't it a shame...
on Jun 07, 2005
"Ripped the country apart" is a joke. The vast majority of people give more thought to what brand of toothpaste they buy.
on Jun 07, 2005
But Baker.. not all straight sex is about
cranking out healthy taxpayers
if it was then there would be a hell lot more

healthy taxpayers

out there than the world could accomodate and there would be a whole lot of horny men and women out there too from lack of sex because they didnt want children. so sometimes..
Just 'sticking it in'

needs to be done.
on Jun 07, 2005
Of course sex is more than just "sticking it in."

Which was my point.

Hetero-only advocates seem to think that homosexual sex is purely physical. It is not, just as heterosexual sex isn't. But thanks for proving the point -- a 'lifestyle' choice for some, then for all...biology for some, then for all.
on Jun 07, 2005

Baker, PB and Shovel.  This guy is just a flame thrower.  Hiw very article cries out for some one to ask why is a beastiality life style not as valid.  necrophelia?

It is a straw dog meant to incite only.

on Jun 07, 2005
T'ain't it a shame...

Excellent! You gave me a great laugh!

Hiw very article cries out for some one to ask why is a beastiality life style not as valid. necrophelia?

I don't support compensation for necrophiliacs or bestialiacs, either. Although it says much for your own mindset that you would take sex between two consenting adults and liken it to sex with animals and dead people.
on Jun 07, 2005
" But Baker.. not all straight sex is about..."

The article is about those aspects that are rewarded by society. It isn't the 'sex' that is rewarded. To my knowledge there aren't any tax breaks or other extras for straight sex. The author is incapable of seeing the difference between creating families and sex, and then pretends that was his point.
on Jun 07, 2005
there aren't any tax breaks or other extras for straight sex

But there are for straight marriage. Which implies sex. Perhaps not for you, but for most.
on Jun 07, 2005
If you scratch your ass while donating money to charity, you aren't getting a tax break for scratching your ass. There is sex in marriage, but that doesn't mean the benefits are offered because of it.

Stupid point, made worse by you dancing around trying to keep it afloat.
on Jun 07, 2005
You can donate money to charity without scratching your ass. Can you have a marriage without sex? Perhaps you can tell us how it is done.
on Jun 07, 2005
See, there used to be a time in this world where "famliy" had more meaning than just political buzzwords. Society was smart enough to realize that strong family units = strong communities, and stong communities make up a strong nation.

Then people got selfish and decided that family don't mean crap, all the means anything is looking out for #1.

People somehow got the idea that sex doesn't cause kids. People somehow got the idea that we, as people, live in a vacuum and "my actions and decisions don't effect anyone but myself". People also started getting frustrated anytime someone else so thoughtlessly reminded us that their actions just might effect not only our decisions, but the choices that are available to us.

Couples said to heck with each other, and to heck with the kids, "my happiness comes first." Immature babies went to court, using their kids as nothing more than legal leverage in the hunger for revenge and "my happiness comes first". People without kids resented their tax money being spent on playgrounds and schools, because "my happiness comes first".

Now we have gay people using the immaturity of the above infantile adults as an excuse to join in on the "my happiness comes first" bandwagon.

Yes, you do (and should) have the right to decide who you want to love, who you want to live with and all that. However, the words "Husband""Wife""Marriage" and "Family" have legal and societal definitions. If you want those definitions changed, you'd better have a lot better reason than citing the excuses of immature heterosexuals.
on Jun 07, 2005
Frankly, I think it is patently obvious that many homosexuals can't tell the difference between building a family and screwing.

Agreed Bakerstreet, except I would extend that to what society has become in general.
on Jun 07, 2005
Hetero-only advocates seem to think that homosexual sex is purely physical. It is not, just as heterosexual sex isn't. But thanks for proving the point -- a 'lifestyle' choice for some, then for all...biology for some, then for all.

Are you willing to qualify that "all" or should it be legal and socially acceptable for anyone to "stick it in" anyone that will accept it?
on Jun 07, 2005
I think it is a grand example of how some homosexuals function, like in PB's recent 'intimacy' blog. Married people have sex, sex is all-important, so sex must be the point of marriage, and any benefits offered because of marriage are offered for sex.

Excellent example of why most people oppose gay marriage. The author doesn't seem to understand marriage or take it seriously, so the stereotype continues.

"Agreed Bakerstreet, except I would extend that to what society has become in general."

True, I know what you mean. In terms of homosexuality, though, the difference is all the more highlighted when someone makes a freudian slip like this.

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